About CA Vijay Gaurav
CA VIJAY GAURAV is graduated from "University of Delhi" and a fellow member of "The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India" qualified in 2002.
He is a reputed tax consultant practicing in the field of Direct & Indirect Taxes.
Teaching is passion for him. He is providing specialized classes for Direct Tax, International Taxation and Indirect Tax at CA Final Level and Taxation and Law at CA–Inter Level.He is having vast teaching experience of more than 15 years. He is a prominent educationist with
great experience of teaching both theoretically and practically.
CA Vijay Gaurav puts great emphasis on practical aspect of the subject along with case studies and practical examples so thatstudents will
easily understand the implications of Sections and Rules of Taxes and Laws.
He guides his students not only for his subject but also for other subjects at CA-Inter & Final level. He also teaches them the better ways of presentation in exams so that students can score better marks.
He is the First in CA Education who made CA Final Direct Tax & Indirect Tax and CA Inter Taxation so simple & concise and completed in Just 15 Classes each.
More than 10000 students have got success in Chartered Accountancy Course under the guidance of CA Vijay Gaurav.
The mission of CA VIJAY GAURAV is to provide individualized education that address students' unique learning styles, cultivates independent thought, and promotes the building of character, enabling them to contribute to their communities in meaningful and positive ways.
His objective is to prepare the students of CA with intellectual and practical skills so that they can compete in the challenging future.
He has also authored many books including:
"Simplified Notes on DIRECT TAX" for students of CA-Final
"Simplified Notes on INDIRECT TAX" for students of CA-Final
"Simplified Notes on TAXATION" for students of CA-Inter
"Simplified Notes on LAW" for students of CA-Inter
"Question Bank on DIRECT TAX" for students of CA-Final
"Question Bank on INDIRECT TAX" for students of CA-Final
"Question Bank on TAXATION" for students of CA-Inter
"Question Bank on LAW" for students of CA-Inter
His books contain the Provisions of each section of subject in a simplified & comprehensive manner including the latest amendments. The books have been most judiciously prepared and are self sufficient, fully updated most comprehensive and most reliable text for CA students.
He gives counseling to each individual student and provide a unique set of Solution for them.
He organizes test series for all paper of CA Exam (CA-Inter and CA-Final) since 2002.
CA Vijay Gaurav is a Reiki Master and a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist (Wonderful Technique to cope up with stress, depression and phobia presently very common in Students Community) To manage multiple issues such as stress, phobia, depression, he helps students with Scientific proven Yoga & Meditation Techniques.
He strongly believes that discipline in life is success Mantra, Under his Guidance students learn to live Life in discipline, he encourages students to live their dreams again and get success not only in CA profession but for throughout the Life.